Friday, September 20, 2013

Enchanted Polish "Yesterday"

Today I feel very fortunate to be showing you a brand new Enchanted Polish!
Today's nail mail was pretty amazing - At first I didn't know where to start! Here is a sneak peek of the things I got today - you can expect reviews for all of them soon!

I had to give Enchanted Polish "Yesterday" a try first, as it is so new there are barely any swatches to look at online! I was pretty much blown away. Truly a stunning polish! Multi-chrome, holo sparkles AND a great formula... 

If you have any Enchanteds you know that application is always smooth and dreamy. Three coats with no undies is enough for opaqueness, but with a dark under polish you could get away with one! A great way to save a precious polish. I really love the multichrome nature of Yesterday... I have a high enough curve that I get the full effect of the color shift when I look at my nails straight on! What I really like about Enchanted is how one magical effect is not enough... Chelsea manages to stuff a ton of holo sparkles in as well! I cannot stop staring at my nails!

Enchanted restocks are pretty rough. I advise anyone interested in grabbing EPs for themselves to check out private sales in Enchanted FB groups! If you are a master restock madness player, head over to Enchanted polish's page to sign up for the newsletter - that way you get a warning before she restocks! You can also follow her on FB.


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