Monday, June 10, 2013

Nail Mail day!

So many packages!! 

Today was that wonderful time in the week when a bunch of packages arrive at the same time!

Although one of the packages had obviously been ripped and taped by the USPS, all of the polish was fine. I have been having some trouble with deliveries from Amazon lately - as a matter of fact I am struggling with two seperate "lost/delayed" purchases at the moment. It's a bit of a bummer but I am hoping to resolve it soon. Thankfully, all packages sent to me by my /r/randomactsofpolish buddies have arrived on time and in one piece! Today's mail contained a purchase I made from fabuloustreet, an amazon purchase, a prize from a contest on my favorite subreddit and a swap!

From L to R : Model city "Gold and Silver", Kleancolor Chunk holo "Bluebell" and "Scarlet", Nubar "Knight's armor" and Nfu-oh "# 54" & "#56", plus a mini base and top coat they sent.

The model cities were a swap, in exchange for China Glaze Holographic "Take a trek". I love talking with Nina, Model city creator, on Reddit and have been planning on purchasing from her since I started my indie obsessions... and now I know I will!! I couldn't help myself and threw on a coat of "Silver" over 3 of my nails. I don't own any other hex and line glitters, so I am fascinated!

Model City "Silver" is so shiny!

Model City "Gold"

Nubar "Knight's armor" is also very shiny... I have so many other interesting polishes I have a feeling I won't be swatching this one any time soon, unless requested... but I am curious to see if it has the same awesome formula my other 2 Nubar's do. 

Nubar "Knight's armor"

I loved the Nfu-oh I got the other day, so I had to get more! I chose #54 and #56, both stunning blue colored flakies. 

Nfu-oh #54
Nfu-oh #54 has beautiful sky blue flakies suspended in a light blue jelly. It is so shiny in the bottle! I am  hoping it is not the same as Zoya "Maisie", though they look similar in bottle on my rack. I will definitely be comparing the two at a later date!

I had originally purchased #56 instead of #59, but changed my order last minute... and decided later I had made a mistake. I am so glad I rectified that! I have actually sent the #59 ( red) along to a fellow laquerista as a trade for Emily de Molly's "Cosmic forces". I am super excited, although it was hard to part with an Nfu. Still, I find I rarely wear reds, so it feels good to send it along to a home that will use it!

Nfu-oh #56


Kleancolor "Bluebell"

Kleancolor's "Bluebell" is very pretty in the bottle! I have heard good things, hoping it lives up to the hype! The polish formula is cheap and I think it is reflected in the strong odor it has.

Kleancolor "Scarlet"

Once again I attempt to find a red polish I like... hoping this one will succeed where others have failed.  If not I will most likely be passing it along.


Packages ready to ship off!

I also got to the post office to send off some nail mail of my own! I felt like the Polish fairy! I love sending nail polish off to happy, loving homes. If anyone is interested in swaps, please contact me!!

Links to vendors/sites: